It’s been centuries since we’ve lost touch with them and we’ve finally discovered a safe seaway to these mythical islands! In Rivages, players will be exploring these lost islands, uncovering ancient relics, and amassing valuable knowledge.
Players start with their own map of an Island that’s divided into several colored areas. Each turn they cross
out the available symbols from one of the two cards in their hand, cross out matching fields on their map, and then pass the cards along to their neighbor.
By exploring certain areas, completing quests on the Island, looting treasures, and progressing on their own Tree of Wisdom, they gather valuable scrolls. If they’ve exhausted most of their research on their current Island, reaching a boat allows them to move to a new one! Whoever has the most scrolls at the end of the game wins.
- 56 Dry-erase markers and wiping cloths
- 25 Dry-erase Island boards
- 36 Dry-erase Exploration cards
- 5 Endgame cards
- 7 Solo mode cards
- 5 Tree of Wisdom boards
- 68 Scroll tokens
- 25 Loot tokens
- 1 Great Explorer tile
- 1 Cloth drawstring Loot bag
- 1 Rulebook